Complaints Policy


As a customer orientated organisation dedicated to the satisfaction of its customers, C.T. Agency – ABN 48077292249 has a Complaints Policy so as to ensure all complaints are handled as efficiently and effectively as possible. The following outlines our policy and procedures for the handling of verbal and written complaints. This Policy is compliant with the ACIF Industry Code on Complaint Handling.

Our Responsibilities

  • C.T. Agency will provide an efficient, fair and structured mechanism for handling complaints.
  • To provide our customers with access to the complaints handling process, including those customers with disabilities and special needs.
  • C.T. Agency will keep customers informed as to the progress of their complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution.
  • We will regularly review our complaints so that we can improve our standard of customer service.
  • Whilst an investigation into a matter is taking place, we will not demand payment of genuinely disputed amounts.

Handling Your Complaint

  • Upon receiving a verbal or written complaint, we will acknowledge your matter via telephone or in writing within 5 business days.
  • We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint, proposed actions and the expected timeframe for resolution.
  • Our aim is to resolve complaints in a timely manner and we will generally resolve a matter within 30 calendar days.
  • Complex complaints may take longer than 30 calendar days to resolve. In these cases, we will regularly update you on the progress and likely timeframe for resolution.
  • We will advise you of the outcome of your complaint. Where you have requested us to do so, we will advise you in writing.
  • If we think your complaint requires a charge, we will not impose one without discussion with you.
  • If your complaint is upheld in your favour, and we have charged you complaint handling fees, we will refund you the full amount of the fees charged within 30 days.

Steps in Lodging a Complaint

Step One

If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of your account or dealings with C.T. Agency, we urge you to telephone Customer Service in the first instance on 1300 78 11 27. Our Consultant will give you their name so you know with whom you are speaking.

Our objective is to resolve the vast majority of enquiries or complaints during your first contact with us. If you prefer to put your complaint in writing, we will respond to your letter by telephone and will confirm any details in writing if you request us to do so.

Step Two

Should you not be satisfied with the response tendered to you, you may ask for your complaint to be escalated to the next level of Management or to the Customer Operations Disputes team. You can forward correspondence to:

Customer Operations Disputes Team

C.T. Agency – ABN 48077292249

P.O Box 369 Bondi Junction NSW 1355

Alternatively, you can email your matter to them at [email protected]

Step Three

Complaints made to C.T. Agency are overseen by the Compliance Group. This area is committed to supporting the above areas and carrying out reviews of policy and process. The Compliance Group will attend to matters that have not been resolved within the complaints process. If you are not satisfied with the response tendered to you, you may ask the Customer Operations Disputes team to escalate your complaint to the Compliance Group. Senior Management empowers our Case Managers in making decisions for matters referred to them.

Step Four

If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by C.T. Agency and depending on the nature of your complaint you may refer your complaint to the following outside bodies:

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (“TIO”) is an independent and free alternate dispute resolution scheme for residential and small business consumers in respect of disputes over which the TIO has jurisdiction. The TIO views itself as an office of last resort please refer to the web site

The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (“OFPC”) can assist you with all matters related to privacy. To lodge a complaint with the OFPC  you can write to:

Director, Compliance

Office of the Privacy Commissioner

GPO Box 5218


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